SL4A API Help -ContactsFacade

Provides access to contacts related functionality.
@author MeanEYE.rcf (
contactsGetReturns a List of all contacts.
attributes (JSONArray) (optional)
returns: (List) a List of contacts as Maps
contactsGetAttributesReturns a List of all possible attributes for contacts.
contactsGetByIdReturns contacts by ID.
id (Integer)
attributes (JSONArray) (optional)
contactsGetCountReturns the number of contacts.
contactsGetIdsReturns a List of all contact IDs.
pickContactDisplays a list of contacts to pick from.
returns: (Intent) A map of result values.
pickPhoneDisplays a list of phone numbers to pick from.
returns: (String) The selected phone number.
queryAttributesContent Resolver Query Attributes
uri (String) The URI, using the content:// scheme, for the content to retrieve.
returns: (JSONArray) a list of available columns for a given content uri
queryContentContent Resolver Query
uri (String) The URI, using the content:// scheme, for the content to retrieve.
attributes (JSONArray) A list of which columns to return. Passing null will return all columns (optional)
selection (String) A filter declaring which rows to return (optional)
selectionArgs (JSONArray) You may include ?s in selection, which will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs (optional)
order (String) How to order the rows (optional)
returns: (List) result of query as Maps
Exactly as per ContentResolver.query
